Are you eager to carve out a dynamic career in engineering and make a lasting impact in the world of mobility? Polytech Mobility School of Engineering is here to turn your ambitions into reality!

Explore our array of renowned programs, recognized in France, the United States, Canada, and internationally, including:

- Bachelor of Mobility Engineering
- Master of Mobility Engineering (Engineering Degree)
- Doctorate of Mobility Engineering

Our programs, rooted in the heart of innovation in mobility, ensure robust employability in key sectors such as automotive, railway, and aerospace once you hold your engineering degree. We shape you with concrete and pragmatic skills that meet the current and future demands of the industry. From sustainability to artificial intelligence, electric and hydrogen propulsion, and other crucial aspects related to mobility, we prepare you to excel in the ever-evolving professional world.

With expertise in automotive, railway, aerospace, aerospace, and maritime sectors, particularly in mechanical-electrical and energy engineering, we prepare you for a successful career in mobility, from design to production.

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