Industry X.0 for Socio-economic Impact 

... We are committed to excellence in mobility engineering for the betterment of humanity and the common good. We educate and train outstanding engineers, drive discoveries, and forge partnerships to create a transformational, sustainable, and equitable impact for our states, nations, and the entire planet.

  • We provide accessible pathways and experiential learning opportunities to prepare a diverse, imaginative, and responsible engineering, computer science, and construction management workforce.

  • We accompany students and their families on an educational journey with the power to transform their lives and their communities.

  • We leverage the vibrant interplay among disciplines on a flagship campus, to build intellectual power, develop leadership, and grow professionally and as whole people.

  • We frame research questions for global impact, spark new ideas from the quantum to the cosmic, and cultivate resilience for sustainable communities on this livable planet.

  • Through creative partnerships with government, industry, and local communities we realize impact, enhance economic development, and improve quality of life.

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Industry X.0 for Socio-economic Impact

Polytech'M Mission